The Charm of Hearing & Experiencing new things from your kids for the first time – Money, Festivals, Maturity and Choices!

I was on a week long hiatus from my smart phone (under repair) and work (a week long break to celebrate one of the biggest festivals in India – Durga Puja).

This gave me ample opportunities thru out the week to get to hear and observe new things that my kids seemed to have learnt.

Btw my 4 year old gets ignored a little bit in my blog so will start with her!!

New things that my 4 year old has learnt of late!

Little one is learning about Money It seems the younger one is able to understand Money. She is adamant about carrying a purse and also some Indian currency. So when we spoke about having ice cream after dinner and she offered paying for it! (P.S we did not take her money)

Understanding festivals Durga puja is the biggest festivals for Bengalis. It runs for ten days with idol immersion on the tenth day. Not sure what the four year old understood of the festival. But, on asking on the 11th day about visiting the Durga Puja place, she told “Durga Puja is closed now”, she is growing up and understanding festivals now, bravo!!

New things from the Nine year old

Fashion Choices when she was young we could get her to wear everything as per our choice. She is grown up now and has her own fashion choices. Would have to admit they are better than what we the parents would have proposed, glimpses below…

Responsibility Nine year old has started showing maturity. She took care a lot of her younger sister and was guarding, playing and also pampering her when we weren’t around, makes me happy.

So, am longing for the next break to see what more new things my kids have learnt and surprise me!


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